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Commissioner Xie Feng calls on Foreign Institutions in Hong Kong to Reject Violence, Uphold the Rule of Law, and Support Greater Success of "One Country, Two Systems"
2019-08-30 17:55

On 30 August 2019, Commissioner Xie Feng delivered a speech to the heads of foreign consular missions, chambers of commerce and media in Hong Kong, in which he revealed the truth about the turbulence in the city from six aspects, stated the position of the Central and the SAR governments, and called on the international community to jointly reject violence, restore the rule of law, and work for a brighter future of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

First, Commissioner Xie cited legal sources to emphasize that sovereign equality and non-interference are fundamental principles of international law, and that diplomatic agents and consular officers shall not interfere in the internal affairs of the receiving State. He called on the forces for justice in the world to unite behind international law and norms governing international relations, including the principle of non-intervention. 

Second, Commissioner Xie explained the fundamentals and why it is simply wrong to cite the Sino-British Joint Declaration to justify interference in Hong Kong affairs. He highlighted that the UK has no sovereignty, jurisdiction or right of "supervision" over Hong Kong whatsoever after the latter returned to China, and other countries and organizations have no right to meddle with Hong Kong affairs on the pretext of the Joint Declaration.

Third, Commissioner Xie emphasized that China's Constitution lays the very foundation of the HKSAR, and the Constitution and the Basic Law of Hong Kong together constitute the constitutional basis of the HKSAR. "One Country" is the foundation of and prerequisite for "Two Systems", and "Two Systems" can only operate within the framework of "One Country". Should the "One Country" principle be undermined, "Two Systems" would not materialize.

Fourth, Commissioner Xie pointed out that violence is a common enemy of civilized society. Should the turbulence in Hong Kong last, it would be the citizens, the misled and manipulated youth, and all stakeholders including international businesses that have to pay the price. Everyone with a sense of justice, who aspires to a better future for Hong Kong and themselves, should speak up against violence.

Fifth, Commissioner Xie stated that the rule of law is the foundation of social justice, security and order. The minority of people who are trampling upon the law in the name of "freedoms" have deprived the majority of their freedoms to lead normal lives, and will only plunge civilized society back into the abyss where the law of the jungle prevails. The slogan "violate the law for the sake of justice" chanted by the rioters is like drinking poison to quench thirst, and will only breed evil. Should the violent offenders be allowed to keep undermining the rule of law "for the sake of justice" as they claim with impunity, it would not only be detrimental to the peace, tranquility and prosperity of Hong Kong, but also represent a degradation of human rights, freedoms, democracy and the rule of law, and an outrageous assault on human civilization and justice.  

Sixth, Commissioner Xie called for supporting dialogue and opposing coercion or blackmail. No one is more willing than Chief Executive Carrie Lam to engage in dialogue. But various sides need to show mutual respect, openness and inclusiveness in dialogue, and work out a constructive solution through rational consultation. Response does not mean compromise, and no prerequisite should be set. If one side already draws conclusions before talking and presses the other side to accept each and every demand, it would not be dialogue, but flagrant blackmail.


Commissioner Xie said that despite the letter of objection issued by the SAR police, the opposition and the radicals have insisted on taking to the streets on August 31, a sensitive date, to provoke confrontation and violence, which should be resolutely thwarted.

Commissioner Xie highlighted that the Central Government firmly supports the SAR Government led by Chief Executive Carrie Lam in governing according to law, firmly supports the Hong Kong police and judiciary in decisively enforcing the law and fairly administering justice, and firmly supports the majority of Hong Kong compatriots in their just cause of opposing violence, upholding the rule of law, and supporting the police. The Central Government has sufficient capabilities to quickly calm down any possible chaos.

Commissioner Xie reiterated that Hong Kong is part of China, and its affairs are completely China's domestic affairs. Any interference by foreign government, organization or individual will be firmly countered by all Chinese people, including our Hong Kong compatriots.

Commissioner Xie called on the international community to speak up against extremist violence, and support the SAR Government in stopping violence, ending the chaos and restoring order.

Commissioner Xie encouraged all countries, businesses and people with insight who hope for prosperity and stability in the city to take an active part in the Greater Bay Area initiative, seize the historic opportunities, and work together for a brighter future.


Members of consular missions, chambers of commerce and media from 30 countries participated in the event. Apart from listening to the briefing, they visited the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, one of the "seven wonders of the modern world", and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park of Cooperation between Guangdong and Macao, where they experienced the bright prospects of the Greater Bay Area. The participants voiced their expectations to see violence and chaos stopped and order restored in Hong Kong as soon as possible, to advance cooperation between their countries and Hong Kong and China's mainland, and to seize the historic opportunities presented by the Greater Bay Area.