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2022-05-26 11:49






















Rule of Law: a key to sound governance

 Speech by Commissioner Liu Guangyuan at

Vision 2030 for Rule of Law International Symposium

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center 

May 26, 2022

The Honorable Chief Executive Carrie Lam,

Distinguished guests,


Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning! It gives me great pleasure to join you in the Vision 2030 for Rule of Law International Symposium. On behalf of the Commissioner’s Office of the Chinese Foreign Ministry in the HKSAR, I wish to extend warm congratulations on the symposium!

In just one month, Hong Kong will celebrate the 25th anniversary of its return to the motherland. It is very meaningful for us to have a symposium on rule of law at such a special time. Over the past decades, “one country, two systems” has developed on the track of rule of law, and rule of law, in return, has served as an “anchor” and “engine” for the successful implementation of “one country, two systems” in Hong Kong. Looking ahead, to ensure the sustained success of “one country, two systems” and Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability, we must continue to uphold rule of law.

Why is rule of law so important for Hong Kong?

First, rule of law is a key to maintaining Hong Kong’s lasting stability. When Hong Kong faced the most difficult situation since 1997 over the past two years, the Chinese central government exercised the powers conferred by the Constitution and the Basic Law to adopt the National Security Law and improve Hong Kong’s electoral system. These measures plugged major legal loopholes in the city and helped Hong Kong to transform from chaos to stability, which speak volumes for the vital role of the Constitution and the Basic Law in correcting mistakes in the practice of “one country, two systems”. The Constitution and the Basic Law together form the constitutional basis of the HKSAR. So, to protect rule of law in Hong Kong, we must safeguard the constitutional order established by the Constitution and the Basic Law first. Only when the Constitution and the Basic Law are upheld, can the legal spirit in Hong Kong survive and can “one country, two systems” move forward steadily on the right track.

Second, rule of law is a key to improving Hong Kong’s governance. Rule of law is a cornerstone of Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability. However, for quite some time, anti-China destabilizing activities went rampant in Hong Kong and ruined people’s livelihood, public order and rule of law, highlighting the importance of law and order more than ever. President Xi Jinping stressed that “without a harmonious and stable environment, how can people live a peaceful and happy life?” So, we must uphold the legal spirit and the principle of “everyone is equal before law”; we must safeguard the legal order and ensure that laws are enforced and lawbreakers held accountable; and we must strengthen the implementation of law and improve the systems and mechanisms related to law enforcement. That is the way to improve Hong Kong’s law-based administration and ensure its long-term prosperity and stability.

Third, rule of law is a key to enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness. After 1997, Hong Kong maintained its common law system and the global ranking of its rule of law increased significantly. Today, rule of law is an important pillar for Hong Kong to improve its business environment and cement its role as a global financial center. At the same time, rule of law is also a crucial bond for Hong Kong to integrate into national development. In recent years, the Chinese central government has adopted a host of measures to benefit the HKSAR in the legal field. For example, the 14th Five-Year Plan proposes to support Hong Kong in developing into a center for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific; the Greater Bay Area has further opened up in the legal sector for closer legal cooperation with Hong Kong. With these national policies, Hong Kong’s legal advantages will be fully leveraged and it will help Hong Kong achieve greater development.

Distinguished guests, friends,

Rule of law is a core value that Hong Kong has long cherished, as well as an unremitting pursuit of all Chinese people and people all over the world. It has been part of our life. But why is rule of law important for all of us? And how should we understand and practice rule of law? I would like to share with you my answers to these questions.

First, rule of law enriches human civilization. Law is the very foundation of governance, and development of all nations in history is based on rule of law. In today’s world, different countries have developed different rule of law that fits their specific national conditions and they together create a diverse legal civilization. The Chinese culture values compassion and harmony, so ancient China developed a Chinese legal system that attaches importance to both “rule of law” and “rule of virtue”. This philosophy can be clearly seen in the Law Code of the Tang Dynasty, or Tang Lv Shu Yi(唐律疏议).The Mediterranean region had frequent trade activities, so it developed the Roman law that laid emphasis on commodity exchange rules. The civil law and the common law systems are also vivid examples of the diversity of global legal traditions. The Civil Law relies more on legal codes that have tight logic while in the common law, precedents play a more decisive role.

Different legal civilizations embody the wisdom and vision of different countries. There is no best model or standard version of rule of law. Only the one that suits you well will serve you well. All countries should develop the rule of law suitable to themselves, and at the same time learn from other countries’ achievements so as to write a splendid legal chapter of human civilization together.

Second, rule of law underpins China’s effective governance. A country will make progress only when its laws are enforced. “Rule of law” has become an important symbol of China in the new era. China’s “Civil Code” is a very substantive “Declaration of People’s Rights in the New era”. When drafting the Code, the National People’s Congress solicited more than 1 million opinions from the public, which ensures that China’s rule of law serves the real needs of the Chinese people. What’s more, China has adopted laws such as the Foreign Investment Law, the Rural Revitalization Promotion Law and the Yangtze River Protection Law, laying a solid legal basis for building China into an open, prosperous and beautiful country. The Chinese central government has also cut over 600 items that previously required government review. By doing so, administrative power has been streamlined, market vitality further unleashed, and a rule-of-law government being built more rapidly. Furthermore, over 130 million judgments of Chinese courts at all levels have been uploaded to the China Judgments Online database, which promoted judicial openness, fairness and justice in China.

It is widely agreed that rule of law is fundamental to the governance of a country. President Xi Jinping also pointed out that rule of law leads to the most reliable and stable governance. Guided by the Xi Jinping Thought on Rule of Law, China has been promoting the modernization of its system and capacity for governance along the track of rule of law, and advancing law-based governance of the country all the way, which help to build a legal fortress for our national rejuvenation and effective social governance.

Third, rule of law safeguards international justice. Peaceful coexistence between countries needs a framework of rules. But in today’s world, international rule of law faces severe challenges. Some countries seek hegemony in the name of protecting rules. For example, they claim to maintain the “rules-based international order”, but in fact apply or discard international law selectively, and impose laws of their own country or their alliances upon others. Some countries pursue unilateralism in the name of multilateralism. For example, they claim to champion multilateralism, but in fact walk away from international agreements and organizations, impose unilateral sanctions without basis in international law, call for decoupling and cutting off supply, and exert extreme pressure against others. Some countries engage in anti-democracy activities in the name of democracy. For example, they claim to promote democracy, but in fact put together a false-flag “democracy summit”, build exclusive blocs to isolate others and incite confrontation based on ideological differences, and hype up the absurd narrative of “democracy” versus “authoritarianism”.

International law is of great significance—not only for global fairness and justice, but also for a peaceful development environment. Countries around the world should uphold the international rule of law, the UN-centered international system, the global order based on international law, and the basic norms governing international relations underpinned by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter so as to work for greater democracy, better rule of law and a proper balance in international relations.

Distinguished guests, friends,

China is on a new journey towards the second centenary goal of building a modern socialist country in all respects; and the HKSAR is further transforming from chaos to stability and sound governance. For Hong Kong, its future is always closely linked to the motherland, and the most solid foundation to its own development is always the national development. On the new journey of China, Hong Kong will certainly enjoy enormous opportunities. President Xi Jinping called for all Hong Kong compatriots to have full confidence in themselves, in Hong Kong and in the country. We firmly believe that with the strong backing of the motherland, the unique advantages of “one country, two systems”, and the joint efforts of people from all walks of life in Hong Kong, the Pearl of the Orient, a city that has gone through wind and rain, will shine more brightly in its integration into national development and national rejuvenation!

Thank you all!